Fruit & Vegetables

Whole Seedless Watermelon p/​kg
$23.92 each (approx.) $2.99 per kg
Whole Sweet Golden Pineapple each
$5.49 each
Wicked Caramel Flavoured Dip 130g
$2.49 each $1.92 per 100g
William Pears p/​kg
$6.99 per kg
Wombok each
$5.99 each
Wombok Half each
$2.99 each
Yellow Button Squash p/​kg
$0.85 each (approx.) $16.99 per kg
Yellow Capsicum p/​kg
$2.55 each (approx.) $16.99 per kg
Yellow Nectarines p/​kg
$0.98 each (approx.) $6.99 per kg
Yellow Peaches p/​kg
$1.08 each (approx.) $8.99 per kg
Zucchini p/​kg
$1.32 each (approx.) $5.99 per kg
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